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In Slovenian press

In last month Andrei Lenart made quite a few appearances in Slovenian press. He was a guest in TV show Dobro Jutro on Slovenian national TV. Gave interview for Planet TV, Hit Radio Center, Radio 1, Radio Antena, Slovenske Novice, Zarja, RTV MMC, Cosmopolitan, Avenija, Pilot, Svet 24, Zvezde and Vklop.

TV show Dobro Jutro full interview (Slovenian) - click here

News on Planet TV

With Tanja, Klun and Kori, the morning presenters on Hit Radio Center. Also had a little interview for Radio 1 and Radio Antena.

On the buses in Ljubljana.

Newspapers and magazines:

Zarja magazine

Avenija magazine

Pilot - Dnevnik

Zvezde magazine

newspaper Svet 24

newspaper Slovenske Novice

... and online.


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